#45 First QRP
#44 DIY EFHW Antenna
#43 3D Printed Utility Case for Yaesu FT-818ND
#42 Journey of HF
#22 3D Printing; Fusion 360 and Prusa MINI+
#21 SOLIDWORKS and CAD Design in the Product Development workflow
#20 EnviroSense Touch, TVOC, eCO2 and More
#19 Computer Vision and AI with Accessible Hardware for Makers, Intel RealSense
#18 Accurate Temperature Measurement; Calibration, Calibration, and Calibration
#17 ESP32 CAM; DIY Baby Monitor with Night Vision, Motion Detection, and Live Stream
#16 First Received Packet from Space; Norby Satellite
#15 Real-time Road Condition Monitoring; RoadSense v1.0
#14 Real-time FEA Based Machine Structural Health Monitoring; RidleySense v1.0
#13 EnviroSense Pico; ESP8255, Bosch BME680 and 0.96 TFT
#12 EnviroSense Pro; SENSIRION SCD30 and SPS30
#11 Smallest IoT enabled Camera, ESP32-CAM
#10 TTN and Arduino MKR WAN 1310
The Things Network (TTN) is a global open LoRaWAN® network relying on the maker community members and their contribution to provide a wide coverage for LoRa enabled IoT devices.
#9 Raspberry Pi Zero W and CUPS, a $15 DIY Network Printer?
If you happen to be like me and have one of those old good USB printers laying around your house, you perhaps have already though of replacing it with a network printer and bring the comfort of printing wirelessly from anywhere to your family! if that’s the case, let me share a simple project with you.
#8 LoRa SX1262 Long Range Portable Tracker
In post #7 I briefly introduced LoRa. The first logical project for me was to try and see how long I can reach using these promising modules! So, I started working on this Project.
#7 LoRa 915MHz with 1000Km+ range!
Long distance communication had been the humanity biggest desires and from some point in history has become one of our species most powerful tools.